Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015


Dalam postingan ini membahas mengenai definisi “Digital Evidence” atau “Bukti Digital” dari berbagai sumber, Berikut definisi “Digital Evidence” dari berbagai sumber yang berhasil dirangkum.

1en.wikipedia.orgEoghan Casey
(Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Second Edition – 2004)
Any probative information stored or transmitted in digital form that a party to a court case may use at trial.
2www.crime-scene-investigator.netELECTRONIC CSI
(A Guide for First Responders, 2nd Edition – April 2008)
Information and data of value to an investigation that is stored on, received or transmitted by an electronic device.
3definitions.uslegal.comuslegal.comAny probative information stored or transmitted digitally and a party to a judicial dispute in court can use the same during the trial.
4www.olemiss.eduDon Mason
(Associate Director of National Center for Justice and the Rule of Law, The University of Mississippi School of Law)
Information of probative value that is stored or transmitted in binary form and may be relied upon in court.
5www.theiai.orgInternational Association for IdentificationForensic information of probative value stored or transmitted in digital form. D. Carrier & Eugene H. Spafford
(Automated Digital Evidence Target
Definition Using Outlier Analysis and Existing Evidence. Digital Forensic Research Workshop – 2005)
Mark M. Pollitt
(Report on Digital Evidence. 13th INTERPOL Forensic Science Symposium – 2001)
Information held in digital form that has some probative value. Casey
(Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Third Edition – 2011)
Any data stored or transmitted using a computer that support or refute a theory of how an offense occurred or that address critical elements of the offense such as intent or alibi (adapted from Chisum, 1999).
8itlaw.wikia.comU.S. Department of Justice
(Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders 52, 2nd Edition – April 2008)
Information stored or transmitted in binary form that may be introduced and relied on in court.
9www.iape.orgInternational Association For Property And Evidence (IAPE)Digital information that has probative value in either tending to prove or disprove a material fact in a criminal or civil case.
10www.cerias.purdue.eduBrian D. Carrier & Eugene H. Spafford
(Defining Event Reconstruction of Digital Crime Scenes, AAFS 56th Annual Meeting – 2003)
Any digital data that contains reliable information that supports or refutes a
hypothesis about the incident.

Dari definisi-definisi yang telah disebutkan di atas mengenai digital evidence, dapat ditarik disimpulkan bahwa digital evidence adalah:

  • Data/informasi berbentuk digital.
  • Data/informasi digital dapat disimpan, ditransmisikan, atau diterima menggunakan peralatan elektronik.
  • Memiliki nilai pembuktian dalam sebuah kasus.
  • Bermanfaat untuk proses investigasi.
  • Dapat dijadikan barang bukti di persidangan.


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